What's in Store For The Upcoming Season of The Walking Dead? - TVStoreOnline

The Walking Dead Season 6 is set to premiere sometime in October and if the newly released trailers are any indication of what the inhabitants of Alexandria will be facing, fans won't be disappointed. All that can be said is this, prepare for a triple heaping of blood, gore, mayhem and power struggles.

Season Five's nerve-wracking last episode had fans literally on the edge of their seats wondering which characters would meet a violent end at the hands of walkers or their Alexandria comrades. People who found themselves in very precarious situations were saved in the nick of time by unfathomable heroics. Rick, who was appointed town sheriff by Deanna, is having a hard time maintaining the peace and gaining trust; even some of his own are losing faith. Season 6 is bound to get ugly. Constant bickering while a massive hoard of walkers is headed your way isn't good.

Carol has really stepped up her game and should remain a valuable asset in season 6. Daryl is a constant warrior. After all, they've been through, Rick and his people have no illusions about Alexandria and the facade of it being a place of safety (remember Hershel's farm?). New characters will emerge: some good and some not so good. These folks will undoubtedly make an already unstable environment even direr. The challenge is whether or not Rick can keep the group focused and ready for the horror that awaits.

It's great to see that Lenny has found Rick and the group. It'll be interesting to see what role he'll play in the upcoming season. After watching him dispatch those two "Wolves" in the woods and freeing Daryl and Aaron from certain death, there's no doubt he can contribute. We'll just have to wait until October to find out.

Amc tv seriesPlotThe walking deadWalkers