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What Day is Halloween

Each year, Halloween falls on the same date: October 31. This year that happens to fall on a Monday.

For many centuries, Halloween has been steeped in deep-rooted tradition, mystery and folklore. That said, there may be some facts about Halloween that you may not be aware of.

  • Are you aware that Halloween happens to be one of the oldest traditional celebrations in the entire world? The Halloween celebrations date back more than 2,000 years to Britain where the ancient Celts lived.
  • Halloween has a few names besides Halloween. Some of them are: Day of the Dead, All Hallow’s Eve, Feast of the Dead, Samhain, All Hallowtide
  • Out of all of the pumpkins that are sold domestically each year, nearly 99% of them are Jack-o-Lantern fodder
  • Nearly 65% of Americans will decorate for Halloween every year
  • During the Halloween season, more candy is sold than at any other point in the entire year.
  • In terms of total sales, Christmas has the number one spot but Halloween is actually a close second.
  • Back in 1926, Harry Houdini was in Detroit for Halloween. He died from peritonitis and gangrene from his appendix rupturing on Halloween.
  • Trick or treating is a long standing tradition. It is believed to have originated in Ireland where townspeople would go from door to door asking for food donations for the yearly town feast on the holiday.
  • In 1978 there was a movie released called Halloween. John Carpenter made this movie with a budget of $320,000. To date, this one movie has grossed more than $50 million. You can find Halloween costumes for this and other movies at TVStoreOnline.com.
  • For centuries, there has been a belief that ghouls and ghosts can be held at bay by light. Making a Jack-o-Lantern and putting a lit candle in it stems from this belief.
  • The actual correct way to spell Halloween is Hallowe’en.
  • As Christianity blossomed in Europe and England, there was a day that was dedicated to each of the saints who were not important enough to have their own day of celebration. On this day there was a mass said called the All Hallows Mass. The night before came to be known as All Hallows E’en which eventually became Hallowe’en
  • As the Romans conquered England, their holiday: Samhain was merged with All Hallows E’en as well as a festival for the harvest known as Poloma and a festival that celebrated the dead that was called Feralia.

Maybe you knew some of those things and maybe not. The point is, on Monday, October 31, 2015 Halloween will be here once again. Costumes are an important part of Halloween and you can get all of your movie and TV show inspired costumes here at TVStoreOnline.com.
