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Where Can I Watch Breaking Bad? - Breaking Bad Facts

The hit series, Breaking Bad, can be watched on DVD, Netflix, iTunes, or Amazon Instant Video. If you are a huge fan and want to add this groundbreaking series to your own collection, all of the seasons are available for purchase in store or online. For those that want to just watch the series by streaming in on television or mobile device, there are plenty of choices. Netflix offers all five seasons of Breaking Bad with their streaming plan. You can watch instantly without having for DVDs in the mail. Netflix can be streamed through your television, tablet, or even your phone. Amazon also has the episodes available for download at $1.99 an episode. In addition, Amazon sells the boxed set DVDs, and you can also get them from brick-and-motor stores like Best Buy. Apple has hopped on the bandwagon by also providing each episode for download on iTunes at $2.99 a piece. Another option is to download a complete season for one low price. Both Amazon and iTunes offer this option for their customers.

There are a total of 5 seasons and 62 episodes for Breaking Bad. While this may seem like a lot of episodes, the show can become quite addicting. It's not uncommon for fans to get hooked and watch three or four episodes in one sitting. The best part for fans now is that there is no waiting period between episodes and there are plenty of ways to watch the show instantly.

Breaking bad